Illuminating the World with God’s Word

Illuminating the World with God’s Word

In an era marked by unprecedented challenges and uncertainties, the search for spiritual solace and divine guidance has never been more profound. Keep the Faith Ministries, also known as the Holy Spirit Embassy, emerges as a radiant beacon of hope, dedicated to...
Seeing visions in prayer

Seeing visions in prayer

…I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions… (Acts 2:17). God loves to show us visions when we pray. If you’re going to have extraordinary results in life, it’s important that you...
I Have Insight Into The Realities Of The Kingdom

I Have Insight Into The Realities Of The Kingdom

God has chosen me! The Holy Spirit has given me vision and foresight into the Kingdom’s realities. I am immune to failure and defeat in the world because I am rooted and grounded in the Word. My route has been prepared by the Lord; I walk in predetermined paths, aware...
A Call to Prayer For Persecuted Christians

A Call to Prayer For Persecuted Christians

Christians continue to be one of the world’s most persecuted religious groups. Persecution of Christians is increasing in many nations. Persecution has reached unprecedented heights. Please join me in praying for people who are being persecuted for their religious...